Franklin and Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts have partnered together to create a program allowing students to complete a Bachelor’s degree at Franklin and Master’s degree at Emerson. This program gives students the opportunity to get a liberal arts education, with international immersion and exposure to the world through travel, along with a valuable professional degree at one of the highest-rankling colleges in writing, communications and the liberal arts. Advisors will work with students while at Franklin to help them choose classes, schedules and prerequisites that will allow a seamless transition to Emerson.

Students start at Franklin majoring in Communication and Media Studies, Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies, French Studies, Italian Studies, Literature, Politics and International Relations. Upon successful completion of a Bachelor's degree at Franklin, students then enroll at Emerson and begin a Master’s degree in Publishing and Writing, Journalism, Media Design or Public Relations and complete it in a year. For Franklin students who have completed their undergraduate degrees at Franklin and maintained a G.P.A. of 3.0 or above, Emerson will offer a guaranteed and expedited admissions process and a 20% tuition discount.

Students have two unique options when applying to Emerson from Franklin. The first, as part of the 3+1 Program, allows students to complete their Bachelor's degrees at Franklin in three years and then enroll at Emerson during the summer of their third year, where they will finish a Master's degree in their fourth year of study. The second option allows students to complete their Bachelor's in four years at Franklin and then apply to Emerson with expedited admission to a Master's degree program.

Program Options

3+1 Program

The 3+1 Program can be completed full-time in four years, with a three-year Bachelor's timeline at Franklin and a one-year Master's at Emerson. All of the Master's degrees offered as part of this partnership can be completed in one year of full-time study either on campus or with a combination of online and on-campus courses, depending on the program. All students can also choose to complete the Master's program in two years on a part-time schedule.

Expedited Admission

The Expedited Admission option allows students to complete their Bachelor's degree at Franklin on a more traditional timeline, in a maximum of four years, while still having the option to benefit from the partnership between the two institutions. Students pursuing expedited admission to Emerson will begin the Master's program either online in the summer or on campus in the fall, depending on the program. Like the 3+1 Program, students can opt for a one-year, full-time schedule or a two-year, part-time schedule for completing the Master's degree.

Master's Programs

All programs require a 3.0 GPA at Franklin and a completed program application for admission. Other application requirements, curriculum options and deadlines for applying differ by program. See details for each program below.

Publishing and Writing

Franklin students in the 3+1 program enroll in the summer and begin online courses, arriving at Emerson in the Fall to begin courses on campus after having already completed 8 credits. Expedited Admission students can choose to begin courses online in the summer or on campus in the Fall. Students can complete the coursework for the M.A. in one year or opt for a two-year, part-time schedule. Learn more about Emerson's M.A. in Publishing and Writing.

Sample Curriculum


Summer #1 (Online)



Summer #2

Publishing and Writing (40 credits)

Electronic Pub. Overview (4 credits)

Fundamentals of Content Strategy (4 credits)

Book Pub. Overview (4 credits)

The Editor/Writer Relationship (4 credits)

Applications for Print Publishing (4 credits)

Magazine Pub. Overview (4 credits)

Copyediting (4 credits)

Nonfiction Workshop (4 credits)

Internship (4 credits)

Master's project or Elective (4 credits)

Media Design

Franklin students can enroll in the summer to take any courses they need to complete their Bachelor's degrees online through Emerson, if necessary. Master's courses begin on campus in the Fall. Students can complete the coursework for the M.A. in one year or opt for a two-year, part-time schedule. Learn more about Emerson's M.A. in Media Design.

Sample Curriculum


Summer #1 (Online)



Summer #2

Media Design (32 credits)

Courses needed to finish Bachelor's degree

Foundations in Civic Media (4 credits)

Civic Media Methods (4 credits)

Design Studio I (4 credits)

Design Studio II (4 credits)

Projects Workshop (4 credits)

Elective (4 credits)

Master's Thesis (4 credits)

Elective (4 credits)


Franklin students in the 3+1 program enroll in the summer and begin online courses, with the option of completing any undergraduate courses necessary to complete their Bachelor's degrees online through Emerson, and arrive at Emerson in the Fall to begin courses on campus after having already completed 8 credits. Expedited Admission students begin Master's courses online in the summer. Students can complete the coursework for the M.A. in one year or opt for a two-year, part-time schedule. Learn more about Emerson's M.A. in Journalism.

Sample Curriculum


Summer #1 (Online)



Summer #2

Journalism (40 Credits)

Critical Perspectives (4 credits)

Reporting and Writing (4 credits)

Courses needed to

Law and Public Policy (4 credits)

Longform Multimedia Storytelling (4 credits)

Editing and Web Producing (4 credits)

Visual Storytelling and Reporting (4 credits)

Advanced Multimedia Storytelling (4 credits)

Data Visualization (4 credits)

Internship (4 credits)

Capstone (4 credits)

Public Relations

Franklin students in the 3+1 program enroll in the summer and begin online courses, with the option of completing remaining undergraduate courses online through Emerson, and arrive at Emerson in the Fall to begin courses on campus after having already completed 4 credits. Expedited Admission students can choose to begin courses online in the summer or on campus in the Fall. Students can complete the coursework for the M.A. in one year or opt for a two-year, part-time schedule. Learn more about Emerson's M.A. in Public Relations.

Sample Curriculum


Summer #1 (Online)



Summer #2

Public Relations (36 Credits)

User Experience Design (4 credits)

Courses needed to finish Bachelor's degree

Public Affairs (4 credits)

Public Relations (4 credits)

Crisis Communication (4 credits)

Public Opinion Research and Practice (4 credits)

Organizational Communication (4 credits)

Emerging Communication Technologies (4 credits)

Internship or Elective (4 credits)

Capstone (4 credits)

For more information see Emerson's website