A Franklin University Switzerland education transforms wide-eyed, curious student adventurers into pragmatic future leaders with the skills to solve complex, systemic issues including those of climate change, inequality, injustice, and their root causes. Whether studying Finance, Environmental Science, Literature, Art, Political Science, or any of the other undergraduate majors or graduate programs available at Franklin, students end their university experience with an unparalleled ability to understand the complexity of global issues, embrace diverse perspectives on current events, and identify pervasive challenges. 

In addition, Franklin’s unique location in Switzerland and campus leadership create norms in student life to address acute environmental problems, through recycling, renewable energy, green buildings, and specific programs and activities. Beyond these crucial actions, Franklin's education helps students identify and work to solve the chronic or main causes of injustice, pollution, climate change, and more. These norms and ways of thinking are taken back home as students disperse back to the 55 countries they come from. In today’s world, we see systems failures all around and these issues hit home to our global community, the Franklin Family.

A Franklin education furthermore embraces the intricacy needed to address complex systems change for a healthier, safer, and resilient planet. Franklin's education doesn’t just teach students how to help people or the planet, it shows them how to create a world where people don’t need to be helped and provides them with the vast array of tools and critical thinking skills to make this world a reality.

Throughout the month of April, also known as Earth month, Franklin will be celebrating all things that make it ‘green’: how our institution stands out and weaves elements of complex systems thinking into all programs of study. The long list also includes Franklin's new Green Office, which will support and connect existing sustainability initiatives by our community. Franklin's social media accounts will showcase and share many more ways in which alumni, current students, faculty, staff, and more are working to make the Franklin community and the world a healthier and happier place. Follow along and don’t forget to use the hashtag #OneDayOnePurpose to share your responses and what you’re doing to make the world a better place.

Written by Ellie Leaning '14 and Anna Hixson '15

Ellie Leaning '14

Ellie Leaning '14

Ellie is the Projects Director at EcoCiv, the Institute for Ecological Civilization. Ellie has a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Studies from Franklin and a Master's degree in Environmental Science from Antioch University. She has lived in Switzerland and South Africa and has professional research and management experience in international affordable housing, wildlife conservation, food systems, and non-profit development. Today, Ellie leads EcoCiv's water division and sits on administrative and programmatic leadership teams.


Anna HixsonAnna Hixson '15

Anna is the Associate Director for Projects and Foundation Relations at EcoCiv, the Institute for Ecological Civilization.  With a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Science at Franklin and a Master's degree in Marine and Coastal Management, Anna recognizes the necessity for interdisciplinary research and cross-sectoral solutions. She is an environmental researcher and has a diverse research background covering environmental impact assessments, heavy metal pollution, sustainable aquaculture and marine innovation, and sustainable tourism.