Prescriptions from countries other than Switzerland will not be filled by Swiss pharmacies. We recommend that students who take regular medication see a Swiss doctor shortly after their arrival to campus. The Coordinator of Health and Wellness is available to provide students with a local referral to a Swiss doctor who will prescribe the regular medication or a close equivalent. Students with prescriptions for psychotropic medicine should contact the University Counselor for a referral to a local psychiatrist.

Students may bring some medication from home, however, all medications will only be permitted to be brought into the country in a limited supply (one month maximum) and must be accompanied by a copy of the prescription. Students bringing medications to campus may be asked to deposit them in the health services office where they will be stored and locked, and then distributed by health services staff on a weekly or monthly basis. Students who bring over the counter medications such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen are encouraged to bring small quantities (20 pills or less) for safety reasons. If you need a prescription filled, we ask that you contact us immediately as it can sometimes take up to a week or more to get an appointment with a doctor.

Please address any specific questions on prescription medication directly to the Coordinator of Health and Wellness.

For more information about Swiss regulations concerning medications and drugs, please visit the Swiss government's information page about restrictions and authorizations.


Franklin University Switzerland strongly recommends that students ensure they are up to date on their routine vaccinations prior to traveling to any destination. We strongly recommend that all incoming students visit their health care provider in their home countries before beginning studies at Franklin to ensure that they are current with their childhood routine and measles vaccines.

Routine vaccines (childhood vaccines)

Franklin strongly recommends that students are current on routine vaccines before every trip. These vaccines include measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine, varicella (chickenpox) vaccine, polio vaccine, and your yearly flu shot.


Infants (6 through 11 months old): one dose of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine before travel. Please note that this dose does not count as the first dose in the routine childhood vaccination series.

People 12 months old or older, with no evidence of immunity or no written documentation of any doses: two doses of MMR vaccine before travel. The two doses must be given 28 days apart.

People 12 months old or older who have written documentation of one dose and no other evidence of immunity: one additional dose before travel, at least 28 days after the previous dose.

Note: If you are coming to Switzerland in a healthcare, animal carer, explorer/excursionist or humanitarian capacity, it is strongly recommended you get Hepatitis A and B and/or rabies vaccine, as well as FSME (tick vaccine) and/or meningococcal vaccine.

Some Academic Travels to destinations in Africa, India, Asia and South America require vaccines such as yellow fever, typhoid, and malaria (in pill form).

Please check the CDC vaccine and medication list at least one month before coming to Switzerland to being your studies: 

Check list


COVID Vaccination FAQ