The information on this page contains a complete guide to Franklin’s financial policies and procedures. Please direct specific inquiries to Additional information can be found in the Franklin University Switzerland Academic Catalog.

Tuition and Fees

Tuition for degree programs are based on full-time registration of 12 to 15 credits per semester. Students taking more than 15 credits (excluding 1-credit Academic Travel and On-Campus Seminar) will be charged additional tuition on a per-credit basis. Academic travel is included in full-time tuition for travel in Europe. Students choosing a travel destination other than Europe will be charged an additional fee.

University fees cover student visas, access to technology resources, library expenses, and most extra-curricular activities. A portion of the fee is managed by the Student Government Association.

Tuition Payments

Tuition is paid by semester. Returning students will be sent a billing statement to their Franklin email account each semester after they are registered for courses. New students will also be emailed a billing statement to their private and Franklin email addresses after making a tuition deposit.

Students are required to pay tuition and fees in full before published deadlines. The deadlines for the 2023-2024 academic year are as follows:

Undergraduate Students

  • Fall Semester 2025: July 25, 2025
  • Spring Semester 2026: December 19, 2025
  • Summer Semester 1 2025: May 1, 2025
  • Summer Semester 2 2025: June 1, 2025

Graduate Students

  • Fall Semester 2025: July 15, 2025*
  • Spring Semester 2026: December 19, 2025*

*Subject to change based on enrollment

Students who deposit after May 1, or who have not received a statement 10 days before the payment due dates above should contact the Bursar’s Office immediately at

Statements can also be accessed on the myFranklin Self-Service portal, Franklin’s online student records system.

In order to attend classes, students must have paid all tuition and fee balances, have completed and accepted student loans, or have a signed and approved payment plan in place. Diplomas, enrollment confirmation letters, and other official documents will not be released to students with outstanding balances.

Payments should be made via bank transfer payable to Franklin University Switzerland with the student name as reference. It is recommended that payment be forwarded in the form of a direct bank transfer (net of bank charges). Bank details are included in the invoice or in the cover letter.

Checks may be used for tuition payments and should be sent to the New York office:

Franklin University Switzerland
The Chrysler Building
405 Lexington Avenue
26th Floor
New York, NY 10174

Late Payment Fines

If tuition balances are not paid in full by the appropriate due date, an initial fine of 200 CHF/USD will be applied. Additional late payment fines of 100 CHF/USD per month will be charged on a monthly basis until full payment has been received. A payment extension may be granted by contacting the Office of the Bursar before July 1 for fall semester, or December 1 for spring semester.


Tuition and fees are refunded on a pro-rated basis for students who withdraw:

  • 60% refund from the first day of new student registration through the last day of the published add/drop period
  • 40% from the first day after the add/drop period until Friday of the second full week of classes
  • 20% from the third full week of classes until Friday of the fourth week of classes.

Once the Registrar receives written notification from the student's parents or guardian, the official date of the withdrawal is determined. All merit and financial aid awards are then forfeited. No refunds are made in case of suspension or dismissal due disciplinary or academic reasons. There are no refunds for Academic Travel Supplements after the end of published (add/drop) date for academic travel. Please note that academic travel courses have special add/drop dates. There is also no refund if students do not participate in academic travel in a given semester.

Please refer to the Franklin University Switzerland Academic Catalog for additional information.

There is no refund for residence charges after the student checks into the residence.

Refunds of account credit balances are made four months after the end of the student's final semester.

Withdrawals between semesters for returning students must be communicated in writing. A withdrawal is considered late when it is received after the payment deadline specified for each semester. A late withdrawal fee will be assessed in such cases (375 CHF/USD).

Payments will be refunded in full for withdrawals received before the specified withdrawal deadlines.

Refunds from Excess U.S. Federal Loans

If a student is awarded and accepts U.S. Federal Loans, it is possible that an excess will occur after all semester fees have been paid. During the first week of classes, students may use these funds to pay for books from the Franklin bookstore, however, U.S. Federal regulations require us to refund all excess federal loan funds directly to either the student or parent during the semester received. Students must complete a Return of Funds Authorization Form (PDF) and send it by email to after the second week of class.

Emergency Funds on Student Accounts

Students may leave up to $500 on their Franklin accounts for emergencies and medical bills each semester.

Additional Payment Policies

Health Insurance in Switzerland

All residents of Switzerland, including students, who are in the country for more than 30 days are required by law to purchase Swiss medical insurance. Franklin provides coverage through Swica, a Swiss insurance company, and bills students directly for this service on their accounts.

Swica health insurance (Student care) requires a deductible of CHF 500 . This means that student must pay the first 500 CHF of a medical bill.  Again, Franklin receives the medical bills and posts these to students’ accounts.

Meal Plans

All new first-time students are required to purchase a meal card plan for their first two semesters at Franklin. Balances on meal plans cannot be rolled over from semester to semester.

Second-year students who have completed 30 credits are required to purchase a partial meal plan for their third and fourth semesters at Franklin.

Students who have completed more than 60 credits (junior/senior status) are not required to purchase a meal plan.

Transfer students are also responsible for purchasing a full or partial meal plan based on the status of credits transferred to Franklin, and credits earned as a Franklin student.

On-Campus Residency

Franklin requires all students to live on campus in a residence hall. Returning students wanting to live off campus must submit a written request to the Dean of Student Life and Engagement. Students who live with their families within commuting distance may request to live off-campus by contacting the Dean of Student Life and Engagement.

All new students are charged a standard housing rate until housing allocations are completed. Housing costs may be adjusted after students enter their residences and housing rosters are finalized. Housing balances may be carried forward to the next semester, or refunded. Refunds may be made by request and will be wire-transferred for U.S. students, or mailed to a home address.

Damage/Cleaning Deposit

Students living in University housing are charged a damage deposit each semester. The deposit is credited to the student’s account at the end of each academic year or after the student's last semester at the University, upon approval of the Office of Student Life if no damage or cleaning charges are incurred.

Summer payments and refunds

Invoices will be sent to students after they are accepted to the summer session. Late payment fees will apply after payment due dates. For students accepted after payment due dates, invoices are payable within 10 days of invoicing or before the first day of class, whichever first applies. No student will be admitted into courses or residences if full payment has not been remitted.

Refund and Cancellation Policies

On-site courses: There is a refund of 75% of the tuition for courses dropped within the schedule change deadline (drop/add). Students who withdraw from a class after the add/drop deadline and within the first week will receive a 50% refund of tuition. There are no tuition refunds thereafter. The housing fee is not refundable.

Off-site courses: There is a refund of 50% of the tuition for courses dropped before the full payment due date (May 01 or June 01 depending on session). There are no refunds thereafter. Housing fees and travel deposits (mandatory for off-site travel courses) are non-refundable.

Late Withdrawal Fee (only applicable to on-site courses)

Withdrawals from the program must be communicated in writing. A withdrawal is considered late when it is received after the withdrawal deadline specified for each summer session (after payment due date). A late withdrawal fee of $375 will be assessed in such cases. Payment will be refunded in full for withdrawals received before the specified withdrawal deadlines.

Medical and Accidental Insurance

All students are responsible for their own accident and medical insurance coverage. Generally this is easily obtained by extending existing medical and accident insurance to include worldwide coverage during the time the student is away from home.

Note: Franklin University reserves the right to modify or cancel courses or programs as may be required by unforeseen circumstances. In cases of cancellation by Franklin University, all payments made to the University will be refunded in full.


Phone: +41 91 986 36 23