A Transdisciplinary Academic Journal by Franklin University Switzerland
intervalla: platform for intellectual exchange is a transdisciplinary, open-access academic journal that strives to provide a forum for scholars from all fields to test and circulate thoughts on contemporary matters of human experiences. Each issue is dedicated to a particular topic that examines intersections or conjunctions of areas that often remain buried in more discipline-specific approaches. intervalla promotes contributions that forge thinking between disciplines and welcomes ideas that push established boundaries. The journal is peer reviewed and published annually. Each volume focuses on a particular theme and is edited by volume editors.
Volume 11
"Viable materials for investigative art practices" (2023), edited by Gabriel Gee, Clarice Zdanski and Anne-Laure Franchette. Growing concerns and reflections regarding the sustainable or unsustainable nature of materials used in the arts can be traced back to the 1960s and 1970s, in parallel to the rise of ecological awareness and activism throughout the world. In the early decades of the twenty-first century, artistic approaches questioning material components have surged, echoing our global societies’ increasing preoccupation with sustainable present and future. Material matters, so much so that recent Anthropocene periodisation have pointed to the damaging relations developed by human modernities with the fabric of the earth, from soil to plants and from sea to air. In this light, artists and designers could be drawn to querying the source of their materials used, be they pigments, metal or textile, together with the transportation channels, the labour networks, needed to deliver these to their studios. Additionally, turn to investigative methods placing an emphasis on artistic research are encouraging speculative and experimental outputs that put often complex and hybrid materials under a critical lens. Similar considerations affect and are raised by museum and heritage professionals, who face practical questions and challenges when attempting to mould new models informed by sustainable awareness in existing structures.
For this issue of Intervalla Journal n.11, we welcome proposals that can be sent to Prof. Gabriel Gee.
Volume 10
"Dystopian visions, alternate temporalities" (2022), edited by Gabriel Gee and Johanna Fassl. Dystopian projections in a range of mediums from film to literature have long accompanied the history of modernity and its conflicted streams of innovation and dissolution. In the early twenty-first century, environmental pressure together with ongoing globalized socio-political confrontations continue to feed dysfunctional and apocalyptic visions of human and non-human societies. In parallel, this increasing preoccupation with the contradictions of the present has led artists to explore alternate temporal locations, hetero-temporalities, from the vast arches of deep time to the micro-furrows of the interstices in the flow of consciousness. Volume 10 of Intervalla brings together a selection of artistic investigations into asymmetrical imagination, uncanny socio-political repurposing, and non-linear temporal invention.
Volume 9
"Re-connecting the Dots...The Impact of Covid-19 on Displaced Students in Higher Education Systems" (2021), edited by Johanna Fassl, revisited the 2017 Scholarships Without Borders workshop. This volume focused on the pandemic's effects on displaced students in higher education. It included articles from academics and displaced students themselves, rethinking the concepts of borders and migration. The volume highlighted successful programs and initiatives during COVID-19, offering insights into future applications in refugee education. Both volumes, through their unique themes, underscored intervalla's commitment to pushing boundaries and fostering intellectual exchange across disciplines.
Academic Travel: Departures
Volume 8, 2020
Editors: Fabio Ferrari and Kate Roy
Questions of Taste
Volume 7, 2019
Editors: Sara Steinert Borella and Satomi Sugiyama
Beyond Borders? Interrogating Boundaries in our Twenty-First Century World
Volume 6, 2018
Editor: Kate Roy
From Loss to Survivals: on the Reconstruction and Transmission of Artistic Gestures
Volume 5, 2017
Editor: Gabriel N. Gee
Modernist Currents
Volume 4, 2016
Editor: Alexandra Peat
To Be or Not to Be a Mother: Choice, Refusal, Reluctance and Conflict. Motherhood and Female Identity in Italian Literature and Culture. Essere o non essere madre: scelta, rifiuto, avversione e conflitto. Maternità e identità femminile nella letteratura e cultura italiane.
Special Volume 1, 2016
Editors: Laura Lazzari and Joy Charnley
Environmental Justice, ‘Collapse’ and the Question of Evidence
Volume 3, 2015
Editors: Brack Hale, Christoph Kueffer, Sara Steinert-Borella, Caroline Wiedmer
Trauma, Abstraction, and Creativity
Volume 2, 2014-2015
Editors: Johanna Fassl and Caroline Wiedmer
Social Robots and Emotion: Transcending the Boundary between Humans and ICTs
Volume 1, 2013
Editors: Satomi Sugiyama & Jane Vincent