Kaletsch Conference Room
Start date
All day event

What is it?

The power of the word?

It can move vertically across space in English. POWER up. POWER down. To fall from Power.

It can be inflexed with values and ideologies. Knowledge is POWER. Flower POWER. POWER to the people.

Some say money is power and power dressing, as a style, may be connected to this idiom.

“Gaining power” may conjure up the idea of ambition. “Regaining power” may be more readily linked to images of the disenfranchised or misused, paths towards restoration, reparation and realignment.

Is there ever truly a balance of power? Good question. Who has the power to answer it?

What does POWER mean to you RIGHT NOW as it pertains to life in general, or campus life at Franklin?

Join the Committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for an open forum dialogue in collaboration with the Division of Arts and Cultures. Students, faculty, and staff are invited to participate in an open forum dialogue event on the theme of Power. Participants are asked to bring with them a short statement, question, a meaningful quotation or image related to the theme. The purpose of the dialogue is to encourage all FUS campus community members to join together in significant open discussions which can lead to positive change on our campus.

Where: Kaletsch Conference Room or Zoom https://fus.zoom.us/j/87146784368?pwd=aGlYcHZabHRsbjlIU3BkVVFKKzJPdz09
When: Wednesday, 24 November 2021 at 5:00 pm
Why: Tell us in person at the event