On 15 and 16 May, the Enrollment Team hosted the Swiss+ network of private secondary schools across Switzerland, as part of their annual professional development meeting. A total of 40 college counselors joined the various activities and were able to meet with faculty and staff members as well as alumni and current FUS students from their respective schools. Thanks to all the FUS panelists for your insightful and inspiring contributions, to Petra Orent for a fantastic event planning, and to the rest of the Lugano-based admissions team for their valuable support!

Many of the participants were familiar with Franklin – for others, it was their first visit to Ticino! It was a great opportunity to showcase Franklin’s academic programs and facilities, life in Ticino and to exchange ideas on best practices and current trends. They also got to explore this beautiful region and take some wonderful memories back to their respective cantons.

Another highlight of this 2-day program consisted of an insightful Q&A session with President Dr. Martín-Barbero and a thought-provoking workshop on mental health led by Professor Lori Montross, offering tools such as appreciative inquiry to assist the students in their transition to university.

Our VP of Admissions & Enrollment Lucila Perez Mollo and our Senior Associate Director of Admissions Petra Orent are both looking forward to catching up with this group of counselors in the upcoming Higher Ed conferences & events!
