Franklin is building a third campus site in the form of a sleek and multifunctional building which is being erected in a location adjacent to the Kaletsch campus.


Construction project, June 2019 - September 2020.

Franklin is a mind builder. It accomplishes this mission by using a multifactorial and multifaceted approach. It essentially combines liberal arts with contemporary academic tracks, like economics and international relations.  Besides the quality of its teaching and administrative staff, the choice of location is important in being effective, and very few places are fitter than Switzerland to accomplish the task at hand.

Even though Newton was able to develop some laws of physics by watching an apple fall from a tree, in the modern world infrastructure plays an important role, and with this spirit Franklin decided to build a third campus site, in the form of a sleek and multifunctional building which is being erected in a location adjacent to the Kaletsch campus.

Ground for the “new building” was broken in May 2019, and its doors will open towards November of next year. The novelty does not only reside in its architectonical shapes, based on glass and an innovative facade material, coupled with the latest clean energy solutions, but in the combination of purposes that will permeate the spaces within.

Gone are the days of the triad of classrooms, library and labs. Campus activities have become more granular and so have spaces, with cross fertilization between areas that have thus far been far away from each other.

Most rooms will be modifiable, with foldable walls, and students will be able to congregate in a multitude of ways. There will be a high tech (hyper-tech?) space where the human mind will be in synergy with the silicon one. A modern fitness area will not be too distant from it because if you are a liberal arts university you cannot ignore what the Latins maintained: mens sana in corpore sano.

Finally, a portion of the underground parking will be friendlily rented out to the City of Sorengo. Franklin has always been and will always be a good citizen, happy to support the local community in all its needs.