At Franklin, students are encouraged to get involved within the community and on campus, maximizing their student life experience, meeting and engaging with fellow classmates, staff and faculty, pursuing passions and interests, gaining leadership skills that will serve them throughout their lives, plus enriching their familiarity and knowledge on the various cultures and traditions that form the international Franklin family.

Named for Benjamin Franklin, the United States’ first and most illustrious ambassador to Europe, Franklin University Switzerland is “dedicated to a new kind of international education, taking as its cornerstone Benjamin Franklin’s vigorous support of a universal, intellectual interchange” including an open campus atmosphere boosting social interrelations, artistic production, and creative exchanges across all educative and cultural levels.

“Student organizations are a great opportunity to pursue and share one's passions with others in the Franklin community. Our goal is to help students develop leadership skills, explore new things, and build strong relationships through being involved. Although Franklin is small, we have a robust community of student organizations, and their impact on campus is deep. Whether students are attending events others coordinate or they are actively taking the lead on a project or initiative, student organizations are a vital part of the Franklin experience.” Comments Russell Martin, Assistant Dean of Residence Life and Student Programming.

Every year, student activities and organizations coordinate dozens of programs, events, projects and other initiatives, which are a key part of student learning at Franklin. Alongside the Student Government Association (SGA) – meet the executive board here – and the Tutte le Strade undergraduate experience – more in this article – student-led organizations have also become a Franklin tradition. There is always something for everyone, and this year’s most active student organizations are the following (in alphabetical order):

  • Arab Club: encouraging a diverse and inclusive environment while sharing Middle Eastern culture, history and traditions;
  • Avant-Garde Drama Club: dedicated to theatre lovers and all of those who wish to learn more about performing arts and how to express themselves in a safe space;
  • Classical Latin Society: stimulating and educating on the always fascinating classical Latin language and culture;
  • Crochet Club: need a new creative and relaxing skill?
  • FUS Film Club: for those who appreciate film as an artistic medium. Screenings and discussions of classic, influential, and otherwise brilliant movies will serve as the central focus, allowing all to enrich within film culture;
  • Franklin Garden Club: emphasizing sustainability and a collaborative community where students contribute on cultivating the Franklin garden and the composting program;
  • Latin American Club: encouraging a diverse and inclusive environment while sharing Latin culture, history and traditions;
  • Oikos Lugano: a student-led nonprofit focused on incorporating sustainable economics and management into academics – read more here;
  • Political Discourse Society: providing a forum for students to discuss current events and political topics as a judgment-free space for all;
  • Psychology Student Association: increasing awareness of mental health issues on campus and around the world, while providing opportunities and knowledge about research, scholarship, and job opportunities in the field of psychology;
  • Senior Class: connecting this year’s seniors with the student body and the Office of Student Life to organize funding activities for the university; 
  • Sweet Iced Tea Club: encouraging a diverse and inclusive environment while sharing Southern United States culture, history and traditions;
  • Vagina Monologues: Inspired by the phenomenal work of Eve Ensler and her play, The Vagina Monologues, wants to establish a safe space for expression and identity, including awareness, education, and celebration;
  • WeeBoo Club: sharing appreciation towards the different forms of Asian media, both on the cultural and educational side;
  • Yoga Club: stressed? Engage in movement and breathing exercises and re-center mentally and emotionally.

For more information on all student activities, visit this page.